Carlos R. Domínguez. (Photo Esperanza/Staff)

We all set goals for ourselves as the year progresses, with “New year, new me” being perhaps the most popular phrase regarding New Year’s resolutions. What if your goal was to start using your first computer? Computers are found in all offices and used by many professionals to manage their work, which is thanks to their reliability, and ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, therefore learning how to manage them is especially important.

Through Esperanza’s Hope Digital Skills program, you could qualify to earn a free computer by attending our workshops. Then, we will assume that is how you received your first computer and let’s get started. First, all computers need power, so we should start off by connecting them to an outlet. Then, we would press the power button, and as the computer comes to life, it will start asking us simple questions; these are mostly personal and include “What language do you want the computer to be in?” and asking for your contact information. After that, we must complete the most crucial step, which is connecting your computer to the internet, for this you’d have to use your home internet (Wi-Fi). This step is crucial since not having internet in a computer, will limit the things we can do.

Once these few steps are completed, the computer is ready to use. It opens to the Desktop and allows us to take control. At this point, we begin to make the computer useful and practical. We should use the Microsoft Store to download new programs according to our needs. Also, open the Mail app and log into our email accounts, that way we always have access to them on our computers as well. Nowadays, most of the work we do is on the internet, therefore we should pick our preferred web browser. Computers typically have Microsoft Edge preinstalled, but most people prefer something more popular like Google Chrome. We can use the Microsoft Store to download this as well.

After these other steps, all that is left is to start using our new computer and modifying little things as we go. These can range from background image to the size of the letters. A good thing to know is that computers have a built-in antivirus, so we can rest assured that our device will be safe.


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