
I hope all news editorial boards and donors demand that he step down immediately. Of course, I am talking about Donald Trump.

Why didn’t these high-minded, self-important individuals call for him to step down when he was found guilty of abusing corporate statutes, when he was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman, or when he was convicted of 34 felonies?

Just think about what the right wing would be saying if it was someone like Obama who had done the acts that Trump has done.

Not to mention, Trump lied over 30,000 times as president, and during the debate, 28 of his statements were lies.

Trump is not a person you want in the White House because he does not respect the Constitution, does not believe in the rule of law, sides with enemies of our country, and upholds dictators as some sacred cows.

Some want Biden to step down, but they are wrong and don’t know what they are doing. I never thought that Biden was my perfect president, and he has, in my mind, made some mistakes. But I will put his record up against anything Trump has done or is promising to do. And remember that Trump is planning to deport millions and persecute thousands as part of his «Revenge Tour.»

Just to be clear, a president is only as good as the team he or she assembles around them. Just like a football coach is stabilized by all the assistant coaches who have the day-to-day task of getting players ready for game day. And for the most part, I am happy with the Biden team.

Some people I talk with tell me that they are going to vote for a third party, but I have searched and have not found these so-called third parties. What I did find are several E.O.s, or as I call them, «Ego Opportunists.» They show up for the national elections saying that they are the alternative party.

My question is, where have they been the last three years, and what will they do after the election?

I tell you, they will disappear, and we will not see them again. Voting for them, in the end, is a vote for Trump.

I know of some attorneys who say that they are unhappy with Biden, and I can understand them, but Trump has stacked the courts against them. The Supreme Court will laugh at their appeals to spare the life of someone on death row or the efforts to save an immigrant family fleeing danger. Not to mention our women’s health issues, the climate, LGBTQ+ rights, and so many other vital issues.

Yes, voting for a third party or not voting will send a message to Biden that they were unhappy, but to the people, I defend every day, it will slam a door shut that, in many cases, will cost them their lives.

I have told these so-called intellectuals, these so-called moralists, to not expect me to come to their marches or defense in the future. I can suffer mistakes, but allowing Trump back in is not a mistake—it is a travesty. These are the same people who said there was no difference between Hillary and Trump. And, of course, we know what happened with the Supreme Court.

Our country was laughed at internationally for the four Trump years. Too many suffered, and we cannot let this happen again.

I will work hard this election not because I might get an ambassadorship or a key cabinet position but because I want to defend the poor and the oppressed and help give them and their children an opportunity to not only survive but to thrive.

I believe in our imperfect democracy and want to see us continue to work to make it better, not destroy it as Trump and others wish.

Vote to save our democracy!


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