
Violent crime rates in major US cities fell in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period last year, continuing a downward trend observed throughout the last 50 years, highlighted Monday the United States Department of Justice.

A preliminary report by the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) showed that in the first six months of the year in 69 cities violent crime, which includes homicides, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults, fell by 6%.

«Violent crime has continued to drop during the first six months of this year compared to the same period last year, including a 17% decrease in homicides,» highlighted a statement from the office of US Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The report shows that among the cities where violent crime fell the most were Columbus, Ohio, with 41%, and Omaha, Nebraska, with 30%.

Miami and Washington DC also saw significant reductions, both by 29%, although the former experienced an increase in homicides.

According to the MCCA statistics, which do not include New York City, Boston topped the list with the largest drop in homicides at 78%, followed by Philadelphia at 42%.

Garland’s office said the figures show the fruits of the «ambitious strategy to combat violent crime rooted in investing in our partnerships with other federal law enforcement agencies, with state and local law enforcement who risk their lives to keep their communities safe.»

«Our message remains clear: we will not rest until every person and every community is safe from violent crime,» it added.

Former president and Republican candidate Donald Trump and other leaders of that party have more than once pointed out that the US is experiencing a crime boom, blaming it on the administration of the current president, Democrat Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, the campaign office of Vice President and Democratic candidate Kamala Harris also alluded to the report that shows «record declines» in crime in the country, with the homicide rate «on track for the largest drop in history.» 


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