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Trump’s win brings uncertainty to borrowers hoping for student loan forgiveness

Savannah Britt owes about $27,000 on loans she took out to attend college at Rutgers University, a debt she was hoping to see reduced...
Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month at Esperanza Academy

Hispanic Heritage Month at Esperanza Academy was a beautiful display of cultural pride, community, learning, and fun! Students and staff learned about the significant...

Miembros y aliados de la Coalición de Escuelas Chárter de Filadelfia

Filadelfia, PA – La Coalición de Escuelas Chárter Latinas (LCSC, por sus siglas en inglés) celebró su evento de lanzamiento oficial el 23 de...

Higher education, fresh optimism, more Democratic: Takeaways from a key county in Pennsylvania

WASHINGTON— One of the most important signs of how people will vote is how much education they have. Voters who attended college are much...

Shapiro administration First-Ever investment of $175 million to repair school buildings and ensure kids...

Governor Shapiro has secured $275 million in his first two budgets to fund school infrastructure repairs, including heating and air conditioning upgrades, window replacement,...

Educación postpandemia: ¿Una generación perdida entre los hispanos en EE. UU.?

Un reciente estudio reveló que, pese a los esfuerzos, los estudiantes latinos en EE. UU. no han logrado recuperarse a nivel académico tras la...
Arianna Carias

Historias inspiradoras: Arianna Carias, 12 años

Arianna Carias, a sus 12 años, ya está persiguiendo un sueño que muchos adultos tardan tiempo en alcanzar: convertirse en escritora. Más allá de...
Arianna Carias

Inspirational Stories: Arianna Carias, 12

At just 12 years old, Arianna Carias is pursuing a dream many adults take years to achieve: becoming a writer. Her goal goes beyond...
Shalaya Jones

Inspirational Stories Series: Shalaya Jones, 16

Shalaya Jones is a determined and ambitious 16-year-old with a clear goal in mind: to become a pediatrician by the age of 21. Despite...

Qué esperar en Filadelfia para el nuevo año escolar, una conversación con Dr. Watlington 

En vísperas del regreso a clases Superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Filadelfia Dr. Tony B. Watlington, compartió con Impacto, lo que quiere resaltar en...