Polémica estrategia contra la violencia con armas de fuego pone a policías armados en...
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania. — En marzo de 2023, la falsa alarma de que un hombre armado andaba recorriendo escuelas secundarias católicas desencadenó una fuerte respuesta...
Exagente de la CIA es sentenciado a 30 años de prisión por agredir sexualmente...
Un experimentado agente de la CIA que drogó, fotografió y agredió sexualmente a más de una veintena de mujeres mientras se encontraba en misiones...
Philadelphia teen sought to travel overseas, make bombs for terrorist groups, prosecutors say
A Philadelphia teenager who authorities say wanted to travel overseas and make bombs for terrorist organizations will be tried as an adult.
The District Attorney's...
Philadelphia man pleads guilty to making fantasy football-related bomb threat and mass shooting threat
PHILADELPHIA. – United States Attorney Jacqueline C. Romero announced that Matthew Gabriel, 25, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty before United States District Court Judge...
Trump fue objeto de un aparente intento de asesinato en su club de golf...
WASHINGTON— El FBI dijo el domingo que estaba investigando “lo que parece ser un intento de asesinato” contra Donald Trump en su club de...
Par funding principals plead guilty to RICO conspiracy, securities fraud, obstruction of justice, related...
PHILADELPHIA. – United States Attorney Jacqueline C. Romero announced that Joseph LaForte, 53, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and his brother James LaForte, 47, of New...
Former High School teacher sentenced to 30 years in prison for sexual abuse and...
PHILADELPHIA. – United States Attorney Jacqueline C. Romero announced that Jeremy Schobel, 33, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a former teacher at Harriton High School in...
A Philadelphia officer has died of his injuries from a June shooting
PHILADELPHIA— A Philadelphia police officer has died of his wounds, nearly three months after being shot in the neck after stopping a vehicle while...
Cerca de 200 activistas medioambientales fueron asesinados en todo el mundo en 2023
Al menos 196 personas defensoras de la tierra y el medioambiente fueron asesinadas en el mundo a lo largo de 2023, aunque el número...
Governor Shapiro signs executive order re-establishing Pennsylvania office of gun violence prcvention led by...
Governor Josh Shapiro updates Executive Order issued by Governor Tom Wolf to bring together State Agencies, Stakeholders, and Members of Law Enforcement
Office of Gun...