
There was already an atmosphere of concern within the Democratic Party ranks over the evidence that Donald Trump’s popularity figures had not been affected by the convictions he received following his various court trials. However, after the lackluster performance by Democratic candidate Joe Biden during the CNN debate, that concern skyrocketed to unprecedented levels.

A significant group of Democratic leaders continues to support the candidate, including Pennsylvania Senators Bob Casey and John Fetterman, and many of Biden’s voters have rallied to show their loyalty. Yet, among other leaders, party members, and voters in general, this cloud of concern persists.

One of the pressing issues is that the Democratic Convention, scheduled from August 19 to 22, 2024, is approaching, and calls for Biden to voluntarily withdraw are multiplying. Although the possibility of selecting another figure in Chicago is low, if this scenario were to occur, the time for the new candidate to establish themselves would be very short. Just a month later, in September, some states with early voting will begin receiving ballots.

A wide range of analysts is urging Biden and his team to learn lessons from 2016, when candidate Clinton, despite winning the popular vote, lost against the odds. In such a vast and challenging task, as varied as the universe of ideas that try to coexist within the Democratic tents, there is lamentation over the growing power of groups more inclined to the left, while moderates, centrists and people of faith in the party express feeling left behind.

On the other hand, it seems that within the Republican tents it is easier to reach an agreement. Even with the feeling of having their party taken away, they have an unexpectedly stronger candidate who has managed to capitalize on his legal troubles, turning them to his advantage.

There is much at stake in these elections, with two opposing visions for the U.S. and the world. Possibly, those who are most astute in remembering the lessons of the past, in reading the signs of the times, and recognizing the dangers of extremism that often blind, will be the victors.


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