Camila Vázquez Torres.

Many people have found inspiration and motivation in stories of individuals who overcame adversity to achieve extraordinary things. These stories often empower people to tap into their own potential and make a positive impact on the world. Beginning with this edition, Impacto will share inspiring tales of young teenagers and students from Esperanza Academy as they embark on a journey of self-discovery. These remarkable individuals are learning to harness their strengths and utilize the support around them to reach their full potential and turn their dreams into reality.

Camila Vazquez Torres, 17 years old.

What goal or dream are you currently pursuing? What steps have you taken, or plan to take, to reach your goal or dream?

I’ve always had a passion for filmmaking and dream about making movies. I make videos or short films on my own time and participate in after-school programs or internships with Big Pic Alliance. I am always learning new film techniques inside and outside of school.

Tell us about the journey that led you to your current goal/dream

I have had a passion for film since I was a little girl. I would always take my dad’s old camcorder and record my family wherever we went. As I got older I started to take my time understanding what makes cinematography so great and how I can adapt other filmmakers techniques and make them my own. There is absolutely nothing else in this world that excites me more than creating meaningful and compelling videos that let the viewer feel something real.

How has your experience at Esperanza Academy supported you in your pursuit of your goal/dream?

Esperanza Academy has supported me in more ways than I could imagine. I went from just using what I could find at home to using real camera equipment. I have also met so many great people who gave me all of the resources necessary for any ideas I have. Esperanza Academy also partners with many film programs that allow me to gain more exposure and knowledge.

What are some ways that you strive to be a role model for your peers?

As a person, I strive to be a role model every day by being a kind and genuine person to my peers. As for film, I constantly strive to tell real stories that invoke meaning into everyone it can reach. I hope to one day tell the world all of the stories that need to be heard.


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