The Hon. Eddie Moran, Mayor of the City of Reading (Photo LuzSelenia Salas)

«Yesterday, a so-called ‘comedian’ made horrifically unacceptable comments about Puerto Rico and Latinos. This rhetorical garbage is polluting our elections and proving just how little Donald Trump cares about Latinos.

First, Trump threw paper towels at Puerto Ricans who were victimized by Hurricane Maria in 2017, and now he allows his surrogates to hurl insults at us once again.  Trump has no shame as it relates to demonizing Latino communities.  It’s wrong and has to stop – now!

«Every Puerto Rican, Latino and decent human being should be appalled by the brazen and unapologetic racism demonstrated today and the callousness of Trump and his campaign. I urge every single Latino to vote for Kamala Harris.  She talks about greater opportunities for our community while Trump laughs at racist tropes. Puerto Ricans, Latinos, Pennsylvania and the residents of Reading deserve much better. We want solutions, not punchlines.  This dangerous game of name-calling is totally irresponsible and beneath the dignity of this nation.

«A vote for Trump is a vote for going backwards.  Our community has grown, become more civically engaged, and is thriving in the way of new small businesses, more students attending college, and becoming productive citizens.  Every gain made over the past 50 years will be erased by an uncaring Trump administration.

«A vote for Harris is a vote to go forward.»

– Mayor Eddie Morán, City of Reading


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