Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz speak at a campaign rally in Philadelphia, Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024. (Photo Perla Lara)

At the Impacto Editorial Board, we’re convinced of who the best candidates are for Latinos, our communities, our state of Pennsylvania, and the country as a whole.

We endorse Democratic candidate Vice President Kamala Harris because her record, dating back to her time in the Senate, reflects her commitment to advancing Puerto Rican communities.

Harris and Walz are honorable citizens committed to unifying our nation and preserving our democracy. While we may have some differences, we share common values, and the Democratic team has shown openness to respectful dialogue.

As Latinos, we know character matters. The insults and threats aimed at our community disqualify the opposing ticket, whose messages reflect a discourse of hatred. As American citizens, we must ensure that we protect the rights of all, even those with whom we disagree.

We should vote for candidates who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law, and once elected, we must hold them accountable to their promises.

Vice President Harris, Governor Tim Walz, Senator Bob Casey, Eugene DePasquale for attorney general, and Malcolm Kenyatta for auditor general are candidates who have engaged with the Latino community and have shown interest in advancing Latino progress in Pennsylvania.

*This opinion reflects the views of a diverse group of individuals who currently work or reside within the newspaper’s main distribution area. They are not members of the newsroom but are engaged in discussing matters of public interest.

The Editorial Board*


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