Joe Biden
El presidente de EE. UU., Joe Biden y el exmandatario Donald Trump (2017-2021), que buscan la reelección en noviembre próximo, causan "vergüenza" a la mayoría de los votantes, según una encuesta del Centro Pew. La encuesta realizada del 1 al 7 de julio entre 9.424 adultos, encontró que el 68% dice que no está satisfecho con las opciones que existen para los comicios.

Biden sent a letter to congressional Democrats saying it was time to «put an end» to the pressure for him to step aside. Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said last week that «time is running out» for Biden to make a decision about staying in the race. She suggested that further discussion about Biden’s political future should be «postponed» until after the NATO conference.

President Joe Biden’s campaign team presented a plan on Thursday, ahead of Biden’s press conference marking the close of NATO’s 75th-anniversary meeting, detailing how he could secure re-election by winning the states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, asserting that no other Democrat could do better in the November elections.

Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan — some call them “The Blue Wall” — lead to “the clearest path” to victory, according to a memo stating that Biden could secure the 270 electoral votes in various ways, but these three states are crucial. This is why Biden has prioritized these areas in his recent travels.

The memo, sent by campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon and campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodríguez, also asserts that Biden remains the strongest Democratic opponent against Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee.

“Likewise, there is no indication that anyone else could outperform the president against Trump,” the memo reads. “The hypothetical selection of alternative nominees is always unreliable, and polls do not account for the negative media environment that any Democratic nominee would face. The only Democratic candidate who is already prepared is President Biden.”

Despite criticisms, particularly about his age and vigor, most Democrats publicly view Biden as the leader who can continue guiding the country on the path of progress and stability.

A demonstration of continued support for Biden was seen at an event in Madison, Wisconsin, where more than a thousand supporters gathered to hear him. This occurred after his criticized performance in the first debate against Trump. Despite Trump also failing to maintain coherence in his responses, dodging questions with mixed and nonsensical answers, he did not attract the same level of attention.

Democratic leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to his leadership. Senator Alex Padilla, a member of the National Advisory Council, emphasized on MSNBC that Biden is “the leader of our party” and stressed the importance of ensuring that Donald Trump does not return to the White House.

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, habla durante una conferencia de prensa al margen de la Cumbre de la OTAN en Washington DC (EE. UU.). (Foto: EFE/JIM LO SCALZO)


Many top Democrats in Pennsylvania also remain on Biden’s side despite calls within the party for the president to drop his re-election bid due to his performance in the June 27th debate.

Support from Pennsylvania’s delegates and powerful politicians in the largest swing state is crucial for Biden. Several members of the state’s congressional delegation are supporting the president, who has insisted he will remain in the 2024 race.

Senator John Fetterman and U.S. Senator Bob Casey joined Biden on Sunday, July 7th, as he campaigned in Pennsylvania, shortly after news of a recent written interview the president gave to a Black radio station in Philadelphia sparked concerns about how Biden’s team tries to protect him. Fetterman told CNN that the president appeared «clear and engaged» during the visit, like the «Joe Biden I’ve always seen.»

Casey, who is facing David McCormick in one of the country’s most competitive Senate races, has said Biden can still win Pennsylvania but warned that «it will be tough,» according to The Hill.

Philadelphia U.S. Representatives Brendan Boyle and Dwight Evans also back Biden. «I urged him to run in 2020 and was a steadfast supporter from day one. And I remained a steadfast supporter even when the odds seemed high. So I am confident that I will not abandon Joe Biden now,» Boyle said in a post on X.

Most Democrats seem to have «come back to the fold,» but voices like Lehigh Valley Representative Susan Wild, who is running for re-election, remain among several Democratic lawmakers who have expressed concerns about Biden’s «electability.»

Representative Chrissy Houlahan, a Democrat representing Chester County, told the Inquirer she is still contemplating her continued support for Biden.

Although Governor Josh Shapiro had not taken a stance at the time of this publication, he stated in a press release, «The president has the responsibility to assure the good people of Pennsylvania and the people of this country that he can defeat Donald Trump.»

Some Pennsylvania delegates have told the press that replacing Biden on the ticket is a far-fetched and «cumbersome» idea.

Diane Ellis-Marseglia, delegate and chair of the Bucks County Board of Commissioners, told Axios it was «painful» to watch the debate, but Biden has alleviated many of her concerns in recent appearances. «It was an overreaction,» she said. «I believe in his family, his wife. I don’t think they would let this happen if they thought something was wrong [with him].»

Bob Brady, head of the Philadelphia Democratic City Committee, claims party members in the city remain deeply loyal to Biden, calling the president «our favorite son.» «Those people who say he should step aside do so at their own risk,» he said. “Our people are not disloyal, and it’s a disgrace.»



Biden has the experience and a record of significant achievements during his first term, say his supporters. From reducing unemployment to improving the economic situation, Democrats highlight how his leadership has benefited millions of Americans. In an interview with CNN, Senator Chris Murphy described Biden as “one of the most effective presidents” he has worked with, citing his crucial role in passing the 2022 gun control law.

The contrast between Biden and Trump is a recurring theme in Democratic discourse. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell noted on CNN the importance of reminding voters of Trump’s actions and policies, describing him as someone who wants to be a dictator. Meanwhile, Congressman Al Green emphasized on MSNBC that Biden “stands for democracy, freedom, and justice for all,” while Trump represents autocracy and chaos.

Biden’s supporters highlight his administration’s efforts to support disadvantaged communities and promote equality. Congresswoman Nikema Williams noted on MSNBC the positive impact of Biden’s policies, such as the $16 billion investment in historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and the growth of Black-owned businesses.

Biden’s commitment to social justice and equity is another strong point of his candidacy. Senator Bernie Sanders, known for his progressive stances, highlighted on CNN Biden’s policies aimed at benefiting the majority of Americans, such as the expansion of Medicare and the child tax credit. According to Sanders, these initiatives reflect Biden’s vision of a government that works for everyone. Former ambassador and Senator Carol Moseley Braun stated on CNN that Biden “has delivered results for all communities.”

On the international stage, Biden has worked to repair the U.S.’s reputation and strengthen alliances. His recent visit to Ukraine and his role in maintaining NATO cohesion testify to his ability to handle complex international relations. Congressman John Garamendi highlighted on CNN Biden’s “wisdom and experience” in global affairs.



Though there is little dispute over the most diverse cabinet in U.S. history and the achievements of his administration — tackling post-pandemic global crises and two major new wars — several prominent figures insist that, for the good of the country, Biden should step aside and let his legacy continue. They begin to extol the greater chances of victory for his vice president Kamala Harris, and even Michelle Obama‘s name has been floated.

Without a name emerging as a probable substitute, long-time supporter actor George Clooney also weighed in, writing in The New York Times: «I love Joe Biden… But the only battle he cannot win is against time.»

Writer Stephen King tweeted: «Joe Biden has been a good president, but it’s time for him to announce that he won’t run for re-election, for the good of the America he loves so much.» Stephen Colbert commented on his show: «Biden is a good enough man to put the country’s needs above his ego.»

Director Michael Moore even accused the Democratic Party of «elder abuse» for pushing Biden to run again. Screenwriter Damon Lindelof called for a «DEMbargo» on donations until a new candidate is selected, echoing Abigail Disney’s — Walt Disney’s grandniece — warning that Republicans will win if no change is made.

Polls on the matter continue to emerge, although there is still no consensus when considering all of them. However, among the most relevant, a recent Washington Post-ABC News-Ipsos poll states that 56% of Democrats believe that, given Biden’s performance in the debate, he should step aside and let someone else run. Nevertheless, Biden’s campaign points to this poll to argue that despite the «greater anxiety» after the debate, his performance was not leading to a “drastic change in the voting percentage.”

According to a CNN/SSRS poll, most Democrats believe the party has a better chance of winning the presidency in November with a different candidate. And around 6 out of 10 voters, including roughly one-quarter of Democrats, said re-electing Biden as president this November would be a risky choice for the country rather than a safe one, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll.

In the coming days, the public scrutiny of every Biden appearance will continue, as he is a sitting president with a busy agenda and also the weight of an intense re-election campaign. As time goes by, it will become clearer how far both his opponents and supporters are willing to go.

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Adrian R. Morales González
Es periodista, editor, poeta, traductor y corrector de estilo, licenciado en Lengua Inglesa por la Universidad de La Habana y magíster en Periodismo y Comunicación Social por esa casa de altos estudios. En su natal Cuba se desempeñó como reportero de la Agencia Informativa Latinoamericana Prensa Latina y de la revista Somos Jóvenes. En el 2002 se mudó a Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, país del que obtuvo la nacionalidad y donde ha laborado como editor de las revistas Mercado, Refugios y Deleite y de otros medios impresos y digitales. En la actualidad es editor de contenido de la revista Bohío, editor de la sección de turismo del periódico Dominican Today, y corrector editorial del Departamento de Publicaciones del Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña (ISFODOSU). En el año 2000 obtuvo el Premio ESTI a la Prensa por su artículo “El traductor: ¿ente anónimo o creador?”, que otorga la Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC) y el Equipo de Servicios de Traductores e Intérpretes (ESTI). En 1998, Prensa Latina lo reconoció por ser el primer periodista de prensa escrita en divulgar el descubrimiento en Cuba de la familia negra del pintor español Pablo Picasso. Por sus más de 20 años en el periodismo turístico, la Organización Mundial de Periodismo Turístico (OMPT) le otorgó en 2018, en Panamá, el Premio Internacional Pasaporte Abierto “A la Trayectoria”. En 2023 obtuvo el premio Pasaporte Abierto en la categoría “Investigación periodística”. Adrian Rafael Morales González, también fue corresponsal de Alhucema: Revista de Literatura y Teatro, que se edita en Granada, España, en la que ha publicado teatro, poesía, traducciones y artículos. Tiene en proceso de publicación el cuaderno de poesía Vals de los ogros y se encuentra inmerso en la creación de su primera novela.


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