Kamala Harris
Admiral Jim Stavridis, USN (Ret) A Florida native, Jim Stavridis attended the US Naval Academy at Annapolis, and spent 37 years in the Navy, rising to the rank of 4-star Admiral. (Photo 2019, Wikipedia)

First of all, we find ourselves at a crossroads. When Joe Biden became president after defeating Donald Trump, we felt a sense of relief. Not only would his government enact sound immigration policies, but we also expected that he would keep his word regarding social security, student debt, the high price of prescriptions, and a dozen other promises he made during the campaign.

Donald Trump represents a clear and present danger to our democracy, to the rule of law, and to our place on the world stage. His policies alienated friends and gave encouragement to our enemies.

Joe Biden seemed like a safe bet for reelection, based on the state of the economy and the restoration of our credibility abroad. However, his weak performance in the first debate with Donald Trump revealed that the president’s mental and physical state had deteriorated.

We witnessed a drastic change between the State of the Union and the debate. Almost immediately, there were calls for him to resign and allow Kamala Harris to run for president. He resisted until the chorus grew too loud to ignore, and he began considering the end of his career.

Knowledgeable commentators asserted that he needed to defend his legacy, leaving of his own accord as opposed to a vote against him from his own party. Joe Biden has taken the high road, presenting his resignation to leave the way open for the Democratic Party to select a presidential candidate after his disastrous performance in the debate.

The country will be eternally grateful for his decision, which shows that he chose the good of the nation above all things. The party’s main problem is to find the right vice president to join Kamala Harris.

The names of governors and legislators were on the lips of media critics. We thought immediately of a name that not too many people would consider. Retired Admiral James Stavridis could be a tremendous asset to the Democratic Party ticket.

His name had already appeared on the national scene when Hillary Clinton started looking for potential running mates. The Admiral’s resume is impressive, as is his energy. He has been seen on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and other programs as a consultant on international affairs.

His commentary is always eloquent, informative and informed, and delivered in a clear way, and when he addressed the Issues of Israel and Gaza, or Iran’s constant threat to destabilize the Middle East. He inspires trust and his interventions illustrate his rise to the top echelons of his time in the U.S. Navy and as a military commander in Europe.

His presence on the presidential ticket would provide Kamala Harris with abundant foreign policy experience. Perhaps also, convince military men, and their families, and the rest of us, that the Harris-Stavridis team would guide this country’s policies in the right direction, restoring faith in our institutions, and trust around the globe.


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