Vice President Kamala Harris applauds as President Joe Biden speaks during a bill signing ceremony for the Respect for Marriage Act, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022, on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington. (Photo: AP/Andrew Harnik/File)

Throughout June, the Biden-Harris campaign has rolled out a groundbreaking $50 million investment in paid media targeted at key voter demographics. This unprecedented expenditure aims to engage and mobilize voters in critical states, reinforcing the campaign’s commitment to early, aggressive, and comprehensive voter outreach.

Much of this investment focuses on reaching African American, Latino, Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities. These investments mark the campaign’s largest to date for these groups, showcasing advertisements across television, radio, print, and online platforms. The campaign emphasizes addressing issues crucial to these communities, with specific advertisements tailored to resonate with their concerns.

For example, the «Protect» and «Thrive» ads highlight the Affordable Care Act’s significance for AANHPI voters; the «No One» ad, available in both English and Spanish, underscores President Biden’s relentless efforts to reduce costs and combat corporate greed, contrasting with Donald Trump.

In addition to these targeted ads, the campaign is launching «Promises Kept,» a radio ad focusing on the Biden administration’s fulfilled promises to the African American community. This follows an eight-figure investment aimed at engaging African American voters through the «Black Voters for Biden-Harris» initiative.

The campaign’s media strategy also includes a pointed attack on Donald Trump with the «Character Matters» ad. This ad aims to draw a stark contrast between President Biden, who is depicted as a champion for the American people, and Trump, labeled as a self-serving criminal. The ad highlights Trump’s criminal convictions and portrays him as a man driven by power and revenge. It will be broadcast on both general market television and «Connected TV» in key states and on national cable.

Michael Tyler, the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign communications director, emphasized the importance of character in leadership. He stated, «The character of a president matters deeply to the American people. Joe Biden fights for safer communities, the middle class, and corporate accountability, while Donald Trump’s campaign centers solely around his gain.»

Strategic outreach and engagement

Leading up to the first presidential debate on June 27, the campaign has ramped up efforts to highlight the stakes of this election. Activities have focused on holding Trump accountable for his extremist agenda and its detrimental impacts on American freedoms and democracy.

Key initiatives include: commemorating the second anniversary of the Dobbs decision, with events and volunteer mobilization to spotlight the implications for reproductive freedom; engaging seniors through events highlighting healthcare and prescription drug cost reductions, as well as defending Social Security and Medicare against Trump’s proposed cuts; and featuring officers who defended the Capitol on January 6 to underscore the threat Trump poses to democracy.

Pennsylvania focus

Pennsylvania, a crucial battleground state, is seeing significant investment in Latino voter outreach. The campaign is leveraging Spanish-language media outlets, such as Telemundo, Univision, and La Mega Radio, to connect with over 1 million Latino residents. Engagements include monthly interviews on WLCH Radio Centro and appearances by key figures like Vice President Kamala Harris and Hon. Becerra.

The campaign’s presence in Pennsylvania contrasts sharply with Trump’s, which has been notably absent. Biden-Harris is building robust infrastructure with 24 coordinated offices and over a hundred staffers on the ground. Key coalitions such as Black Pennsylvanians for Biden-Harris and Latinos con Biden-Harris are actively organizing communities crucial to the campaign’s success in 2024.


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