El virtual candidato republicano a la presidencia, el expresidente Donald Trump, habla en un mitin de campaña el sábado 22 de junio de 2024, en la Universidad Temple, en Filadelfia. (AP Foto/Chris Szagola)

We can’t predict the future, but we feel secure knowing that Donald Trump will lie in Philadelphia tonight.

Before we get to the cute stuff, let’s remember:

  • Trump’s Broken Promise to Pennsylvania: Trump promised, “your jobs will come back under a Trump administration” and “we’re going to bring back our manufacturing.” He lied.

Some more of Trump’s previous lies about Philly and Pennsylvania:

  • He won the 2020 election and Pennsylvania in 2020 (No, he very much lost)
  • Trump: If he doesn’t win, they will change Pennsylvania’s name (What?)
  • Trump: “Bad things happen in Philadelphia” (No, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and places aren’t bad because Black people live there)
  • Trump: Members of a hate group that support him in Philly are “joyful warriors” (No, they are a hate group)
  • Trump: Romney got “almost zero votes” in Philly (Romney got more than 96,476 votes in Philly – they are welcome to support)
  • Trump: Former Gov. Tom Wolf was “counting our ballots” (No, he wasn’t. Part of Trump’s lies about 2020 election)

Some Trump lies we can count on:

  • Democrats rigged the 2020 election (Nope – and he lost)
  • He solved abortion and everyone is happy (No, he ripped away women’s rights and unleashed every extreme state abortion ban – as well as bills threatening IVF)
  • No one has ever seen ____ before (either they have or he is just making something up)
  • The economy was strong under him (No, he was the worst jobs president in modern American history)
  • There is a crime wave (No, violent crime has fallen to near a 50-year low – the largest spike in murders in recorded American history happened under Trump)
  • There is a war on energy (No, energy production under Joe Biden is at all time highs)
  • He was tough on China (Nope, his own advisors admitted they got outsmarted and out negotiated)
  • He was the best president for Black America ever (No, he wasn’t)
  • Black unemployment hit record lows under him (Yes, and then went lower under Joe Biden as Black entrepreneurship hit record highs)
  • Trump said there was world peace when he was president (No, there wasn’t)
  • Democrats are behind his legal woes (No, Trump is behind his legal woes)
  • President Biden wandered off in Italy (False, right-wing media and Republicans cheapfaked a video showing the president talking with a skydiver)
  • President Biden froze in LA (False, the president paused to enjoy cheers and applause)
  • He has been indicted more than Al Capone (False and stupid to brag about??)
  • Nancy Pelosi was responsible for January 6 (No, his lies were)
  • He will bring inflation down (No dice, his policies will increase inflation and raise taxes on the middle class)
  • Legal experts agree with him on his legal cases (No, only the hacks do)
  • He fixes things “quickly” and “strongly” (No, he won’t – he only breaks things)
  • Violent January 6 rioters who attacked law enforcement are “hostages” or “warriors” who should be pardoned (No, they shouldn’t)
  • Windmills cause cancer (No, they cause jobs)
  • Mail in ballots are fraud (No, they aren’t)
  • He was completely gagged and unable to talk about his legal troubles (No, he wasn’t)
  • His trials were rigged (No, they weren’t)
  • He has the best people (No, they are the worst)
  • He is going to win big in November (Nope)
  • His crowd in ____ was ____ (All he does is lie about crowd size)
  • He will make America great again (No, he won’t – he’ll destroy America)

Biden-Harris 2024 Spokesperson James Singer released the following statement:

“Tonight in Philadelphia, Donald Trump will repeat the same lies, delusions, and fictions in an attempt to delude himself and his followers that he isn’t a phony, a fraud, and a failure. “Here’s the truth: Donald Trump is a convicted felon who only cares about himself, and for the sake of our economy, our democracy, our rights, and our future he should never be president again.”


Trump Undermines Faith & Freedom in Unhinged Keynote Address

Convicted criminal Donald Trump kicked off his weekend by fantasizing about a migrant fighting league and promising to rip away Americans’ freedoms at the ironically named Faith and Freedom Coalition’s conference this afternoon.

In a rambling, confused tirade, Trump could apparently only identify one of the Ten Commandments he’s broken, and doubled down on his long standing promise to rip away Americans’ freedoms.

  • At a conference for Christian values, Trump bragged about telling Dana White that he should set up a migrant fighting league: “it’s not the worst idea I’ve ever had
  • Trump promised to round up millions of Latinos in mass detention camps
  • Trump instructed his supporters to be the “police” and monitor and intimidate voters at the polls this November
  • Trump repeated his lie that the 2020 election was “rigged
  • Trump bragged about how he thinks he looks “beautiful” shirtless (Trump previously said wounded soldiers should not be allowed to participate in military parades because “nobody wants to see that”)
  • Trump claimed he would never call military veterans “suckers” only to resume calling people “suckers” 5 seconds later
  • Trump again bragged about ending Roe v. Wade and thanked the justices he appointed for having the “courage” to do so
  • Trump promised to appoint even more extreme, anti-abortion judges to go even further
  • Trump said that he and his anti-abortion allies “did something that was amazing” by leaving women vulnerable to extreme abortion bans with no exceptions in the states

Biden-Harris 2024 Spokesperson Sarafina Chitika released the following statement: “Fitting that convicted felon Donald Trump spent his time at a religious conference threatening to round up Latinos, bragging about ripping away Americans’ freedoms, and promising to be even more extreme if he regains power. Trump’s incoherent, unhinged tirade showed voters in his own words that he is a threat to our freedoms and is too dangerous to be let anywhere near the White House again. The American people can and will stop him by reelecting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris this November.”


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