
First, we must recognize that this was not Kamala’s first political challenge. She has had to strategize and work hard at every step of her journey. Many were surprised by her ascent from district attorney to attorney general, then to senator, vice president, and now a presidential candidate. However, those who knew her well were not surprised at all.

Kamala had to build coalitions of hope along the way, forming a strong network of support for herself and her vision. She was particularly strategic in challenging some of the most powerful corporations, ensuring they paid their dues to the public.

As an organizer, I began reflecting on how she entered this race.

What follows is purely my speculation: I imagine Kamala and Biden had a private conversation days before his announcement that he would not seek re-election. During that conversation, Biden likely recommended her as the candidate. Kamala must have been both exhilarated and cautious as pressure mounted for Biden to step down. Surely, she was meeting with her closest advisors to plan the next steps.

Many of those urging Biden to step down did not believe Kamala could be the party’s nominee and hoped to advance their own candidates at the convention. Knowing Biden would endorse her, Kamala and her team quickly organized a broad coalition of endorsements, starting with influential Black women’s groups, followed by white women’s groups, and extending to leadership across the country. Within the first 48 hours, they had a powerful movement of endorsements in place.

Political insiders always look for two things: whether a candidate has a solid base of delegates and if they can raise the necessary funds for a robust campaign. Kamala’s team soon had endorsements and donations flooding in, effectively shutting out other potential candidates.

Meanwhile, with confidence, Kamala’s team began vetting potential vice-presidential picks for her ticket.

Kamala and her team launched into this race with an incredible burst of energy, not just building a campaign but creating a movement. Their strategic appearances and the magic of the most remarkable political convention began to sway even the skeptics, raising over half a billion dollars in the process.

Polls soon reflected her progress as she closed in on Trump’s numbers, eventually surpassing him in many areas.

While this was happening, the Trump campaign stumbled, struggling to regain its footing. They will need to work hard and be highly creative to convince voters to support him. Trump still retains over 40% of the voter base, so Kamala’s team must continue to press forward with all their strength.

I eagerly await the final story of this remarkable strategic team, their decision-making, and the execution of Kamala’s campaign.

In the meantime, let us remember that we still have two months until November 5th.

So, we must DO SOMETHING.


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