Kamala Harris

Eva Longoria, actor and activist, spoke in support of Vice President Kamala Harris and energized the crowd to chant «she se puede,» which translates to «she can,» as a twist on the Spanish phrase «sí se puede» during her remarks at the DNC. In the front rows of the audience was 94-year-old Dolores Huerta, who popularized the phrase «sí se puede!» Eva, a longtime friend of Dolores, is also a voter activist in her own right. Dolores cheered and danced throughout the four days of this historic convention.

In a month, a recording of an epic poem entitled «No, I Am Dolores,» featuring the voices of 33 grassroots women, will be released.

The four-day Democratic convention sharply contrasted with the Republican Party’s convention. The Republican event featured little to no diversity. When looking at the Republican audience, it was rare to see people of color, and even young attendees were few and far between.

The Democrats focused more on policy issues than the Republicans. Just listening to the speeches and noting how often policies were mentioned makes this clear.

Meanwhile, Trump, who had recently survived an assassination attempt and wore a white bandage over his right ear, described the shooting in detail during his acceptance speech, but it did not seem to captivate the crowd in Milwaukee as it might have. Trump’s rambling acceptance speech lasted nearly an hour but did little to energize his audience. At this point in the campaign, Biden was still the Democratic candidate, slipping in the polls, while Trump was gaining ground in key swing states. Republican pollsters were predicting an easy victory, especially after Biden’s lackluster performance in the debate.

To see the major difference between the two conventions, compare the acceptance speeches of the two presidential candidates and observe the energy in each of the halls, as well as the diversity present.

The Republican convention was filled with anger, hatred, and the stoking of racist fears, while the Democrats emphasized country over party and the inclusion of all Americans. They even invited Republicans who might not agree with the Democratic platform on everything to speak out and prioritize democracy over division.

Walz, the Democratic vice-presidential candidate, received an overwhelmingly positive response and came out of the convention with strong support from his party. Meanwhile, Vance, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, received a much more tepid response, exiting the convention with a negative rating that has yet to improve.

One surprise during the Democratic convention was that, on the second day, Harris and Walz held a rally in the same Milwaukee hall where the Republicans had held their convention just a few weeks earlier, successfully filling two huge arenas at once. On the final night, the Democrats also showcased numerous watch parties across the country on the big screen.

The exonerated Central Park Five were honored as they stood with Reverend Al Sharpton. When these young men were wrongfully imprisoned, Donald Trump took out a full-page ad in the New York Times, calling for their execution. At that time, I was working in New York for Amnesty International, and we pushed back against this heinous act of racism. Even after their exoneration, Trump continued to call for their execution.

This convention also addressed the issue of mass shootings. Kimberly Mata-Rubio of Uvalde, Texas, where 19 students and two teachers were killed, reminded America of the loss of her daughter Lexi in that horrific tragedy.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has ended his campaign and endorsed Trump. Kennedy should remember that many of these MAGA supporters despised his uncle and father, both of whom were assassinated. Many of Kennedy’s friends and supporters are unlikely to follow his endorsement, but in some states, a few votes could still make a difference.

Meanwhile, Jill Stein has re-entered the presidential race for the so-called Green Party. She has been virtually invisible for three years. Stein is driven more by ego than candidacy and should be regarded as such.

«Hope is back» was a memorable line from Michelle Obama, and at this moment, our country is in desperate need of a double serving of it. Reverend/Senator Rafael Warnock also reminded us that «those without a vision create division.» While we may not always agree on every issue, we must still accept our differences and recognize that there is more at stake than just an electoral victory—we must defend our country first and foremost.

Although many belong to political parties, a significant number, like Oprah Winfrey, are independent and prioritize the country over partisan politics.

While some attack individuals without children and those in blended families, the Democrats stand by them and ask that we hold them close to our hearts and uphold our Constitution. This inclusivity was a key theme of the Democratic agenda over the four days of the convention.

The Democratic Convention exuded an upbeat atmosphere of love, inclusion and possibilities, unlike anything ever witnessed at a political gathering. It was a fiesta of love, akin to the Woodstock of politics.

In the coming weeks, we will see if the Republicans can regroup and strategically challenge the Democrats. The Democrats, in turn, must find a way to channel the energy from their convention into a robust, ground-level campaign.

Many are waiting for the upcoming presidential and vice-presidential debates to see if they will make a difference. In the meantime, Michelle Obama reminded us all to Do Something.


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