BBQ cats
El expresidente estadounidense Donald Trump, candidato republicano a la presidencia, y la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris, aspirante demócrata la presidencia, debaten mientras varias personas los observan en una pantalla en One Longfellow Square, el martes 10 de septiembre de 2024, en Portland, Maine. (Foto: AP /Robert F. Bukaty)

The lowest point of the debate came when Trump resurfaced a lie claiming that immigrants were eating community pets, specifically cats and dogs. This attack gave a disturbing new meaning to perros calientes (hot dogs). Trump, Vance and the Republican Party owe the Haitian community an apology.

Kamala started the night strong, walking across the stage to introduce herself to Trump and making him shake her hand. In doing so, she immediately began winning. Throughout the debate, Trump avoided looking at Kamala, while she maintained focus on him whenever he spoke. We loved her facial expressions in response to his incredible lies.

Muhammad Ali would have been proud of Kamala. She jabbed, leaned back, and used the «rope-a-dope» strategy, occasionally adding her signature «Kamala shuffle.»

Kamala dominated him on issues like abortion, international leadership, race, small business, healthcare and more. He had no answers and, after all these years, still couldn’t present an alternative to Obamacare.

Trump got stuck on attacking immigrants, using this as his main argument for supposed high crime rates (not true) and the strain on social services. He even repeated the false claim that immigrants are voting illegally—an outright lie he has been spreading for years. Every trap was set, and he fell into them, coming across as weak in the process.

On January 6th, he dodged the question about what he would have done differently that day, relying again on lies and half-truths. He looked like an old man out of touch with the rhythm of the moment.

Even Fox News pundits couldn’t claim Trump had won. Senator Lindsey Graham couldn’t find a positive angle, saying that Trump’s debate prep team should be fired. But we all know the real problem wasn’t the prep team but the candidate himself.

When Kamala encouraged people to attend a Trump rally, it hit home for Donald. She reminded us that he doesn’t offer solutions and pointed out that many rally-goers leave early because they’re bored. Once again, Trump fell into the trap, defensively talking about his rallies.

My family has close Haitian friends in Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Florida. They are valued members of our spiritual family of love. In all my years, I have never been served gato or perro tacos. This racist attack on Haitians is not only obscene but dangerous, as it could provoke violence from frustrated right-wing extremists.

In the debate aftermath, many forget that there are significant Haitian populations in multiple states. It’s estimated there are 544,000 Haitians in Florida, a group that could influence down-ballot races, the Senate race, and possibly even the presidential race. Along with the issue of abortion, this could make us reconsider Florida’s political landscape.

What impressed many of us most was Kamala’s remarkable control of the debate stage and her symbolic gesture of offering a hand to all Americans, inviting them to join her in saving our country.

While there was much joy and high-fiving at debate watch parties, Kamala made it clear that this election still requires her supporters to keep working hard to turn out the vote.

It was a head-turning moment when Taylor Swift broadcast her strong endorsement of Kamala just ten minutes after the debate. Swift’s fan base is a powerful force and could have a significant impact on this presidential race and other down-ballot contests.

We must encourage everyone to vote, regardless of party or ideology. Democracy demands that we all participate in a peaceful process where differences are respected, but we still come together to seek compromises that benefit all Americans.

Don’t sit on your hands—phone bank, drive people to the polls, and in doing so, dream and build a better world.

Vote as if your life depends on it.


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