The following is a joint statement from Alianza Americas and Presente.org in response to the mass expulsions of Haitian refugees by the Biden-Harris administration:
“What we have witnessed over the last few days is despicable, inhumane, and resembles a page out of the Trump playbook. Haitian refugees being met with whips by Border Patrol agents, packed into planes, and deported to Haiti is indicative of an immigration system rooted in white supremacy. We demand that all deportations be stopped immediately and that the administration once and for all end Title 42. The first step to addressing the root causes of forced migration is welcoming refugees with humanitarian support including access to shelter, food, legal assistance, and healthcare,” said Mirtha Colon, Alianza Americas board president, as well as president of the Central American Black Organization.
“Anti-Black violence and racism from the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) blaring on our TV screens, newspapers, and social media feeds mirrors the images of bounty hunters from old films glorifying slavery and colonization. The Biden administration’s treatment of Haitian and Central American refugees is abhorrent. The administration needs to end expulsions of Haitians and Central American nationals immediately, hold law enforcement officers accountable, terminate Title 42, and immediately grant humanitarian relief and protection to Haitian, Central American, and other asylum seekers,” said Leticia Casildo, an Alianza Americas board member, as well as executive director at the New Orleans-based Familias Unidas en Acción.
Alianza Americas is a network of migrant-led organizations working in the United States and transnationally to create an inclusive, equitable and sustainable way of life for communities across North, Central and South America.
Presente.org is the nation’s largest online Latinx organizing group — and the nation’s premier Latinx digital organizing hub — advancing social justice with technology, media, and culture. Presente.org’s mission is to advance Latinx power and create winning campaigns that amplify Latinx voices; expand the political imagination and traditional boundaries; and foster inspiration for freedom, equity, and justice.