By acclaimed saxophonist José A. Zayas Cabán, {Trés} brings their Tribute to Puerto Rico national tour and fundraiser to Philadelphia in a program that spotlights the music and composers of Puerto Rico. Concert attendees will be given the opportunity to make donations to Friends of Puerto Rico, an organization dedicated to creating an economic and innovation hub in Puerto Rico by investing in the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs. Donations can also be made online at Saturday, October 26, 2019, 7:30pm, Teatro Esperanza. 4261 North 5th Street, Philadelphia PA 19140. Free parking available in the Bristol Street lot.
Samuel Lind
Samuel Lind / Portales Reception October 4, 2019 @ 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm,In the face of climate and economic disruptions, Samuel Lind’s artistic practice has become essential to the preservation of his community. Lind is a dean in Puerto Rican art and culture. His artwork resonates with people fighting for social justice, spirituality, artistic legacy, and against gentrification. The exhibition brings, for the first time to Philadelphia, his recent paintings and sculptures.
Video contest
state Senator Christine M. Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia) is encouraging middle and high school students to share their ideas about how to support agriculture in Pennsylvania as part of the third annual “Talk to Your State Senator” statewide video competition. This year’s competition challenges students to produce a video that includes ideas about how to ensure the agriculture industry will have a bright future in Pennsylvania. The contest, which is sponsored by the Senate of Pennsylvania and Rutter’s, is open to Pennsylvania students in grades 6 through 12. A total of $10,000 in prizes will be awarded. The contest will remain open through January 31, 2020. Winners will be announced in May 2020. More information on the contest is available online at
Hola Eagles
Stockton Radio Station WLFR to Broadcast Eagles Pre-Games, Games in Spanish. Hola Eagles fans! Stockton’s radio station, WLFR 91.7FM, has obtained the rights to broadcast this season’s Eagles pre-game shows and regular season games in Spanish. “We are committed to serving different segments of the South Jersey population,” said WLFR General Manager Chad Roberts. “This will be very beneficial for the radio station and for our listeners.” The public can listen to WLFR at 91.7FM or through mobile apps. More information is at at The station covers primarily Atlantic County but also reaches into parts of Cape May, Cumberland, and southern Ocean counties.
Resource Hub
District Attorney’s Office (DAO) First Assistant Robert Listenbee will lead an announcement of the One Stop Job and Resource Hub (The Hub), an initiative to provide Philadelphians with access to employers, trauma-informed professionals, victim services, housing options, and social services. The Hub will be held on the first Thursday of every month, starting Thursday, Sept. 5th, in different parts of the city as part of the DAO’s community service mission.
Accelerate Latinx
Accelerate Latinx, is designed for Hispanic entrepreneurs who are ready to take their business to the next level, but not sure how to get there. This award-winning program, recommended by the World Bank and the U.S. Small Business Administration, provides business owners the practical, hands-on business knowledge, management know-how, and networks needed to think like a CEO, grow revenue, increase jobs, and be contract-capable and procurement-ready. To be eligible, business owners must have operated their business for at least two years, grossing $200k or more in annual revenue, with at least one full-time employee other than the owner. The program is bilingual and provided at no cost to GPHCC members, thanks to the generous support from our program partners
ESL Classes at NSC
ESL classes at NSC in Philadelphia. For nearly 95 years, NSC has remained the premier center for English language classes in the Greater Philadelphia Area. Our student-centered English as a Second Language (ESL) classes host beginning, intermediate, and advanced courses. Students’ language skills are assessed at registration and they are placed in one of seven levels of ESL classes. All of our classes are open to the public and taught on-site at NSC by highly motivated, experienced volunteer teachers who help students gain a richer understanding of US culture and society. You can find more information on our website ( Nationalities Service Center 1216 Arch Street, 4th Floor | Philadelphia, PA 19107 Direct: 215.609.1526 | Fax: 215.735.9718.
Reading Market

Celebrate every Thursday, 10 AM to 2 PM FREE Market tote bags* thanks to Riverfront Federal Credit Union. Cupcakes for everyone! On the Main Stage: Music by Matt Gordon Check out The Reading Public Museum’s table to learn about the The Museum’s Summer Discovery Camp as you try your hand at making some super slippery slime! Learn more about the Reading Public Library & enjoy a FREE book from their book cart. Participate in The Food Trust’s nutrition lesson & demonstration to earn Berks Farm Bucks!
Please Donate

Experiences that you have as a child stay with you for a lifetime. Your donation to Please Touch Museum makes it possible for us to keep our museum accessible to all members of our community– no matter what their financial circumstances may be. Help us continue to provide valuable lifelong memories to every child. Your gift will keep our museum accessible to all children and their families. We invite you to donate any amount–$5 to $125 to our Second Decade Fund, which is a fund that supports play for all families. All donations are 100% tax-deductible and support low or no cost admission for families in our community.
HIV pill
The Philadelphia Department of Public Health launched Philly, Keep On Loving a new sexual health marketing campaign that encourages Philadelphians to consider PrEP as part of their sexual health planning. PrEP is a safe, daily pill that dramatically reduces the risk of HIV infection by over 90%. In 2017, 496 Philadelphians were diagnosed with HIV. The campaign will appear in local newspapers and on buses, bus shelters, and corner stores throughout Philadelphia, as well as social media channels in English and Spanish. Philadelphians can access PrEP through their healthcare provide or find a doctor on or through the Health Information Helpline at 215-985-2437.
Reciclar mejor
Republic Services lanzará una campaña de educación en Philadelphia. El esfuerzo busca llamar la atención del público debido a los altos niveles de contaminación en los programas de reciclaje residenciales y también para ayudarlos a reciclar mejor. Actualmente, uno de cada cuatro artículos que se encuentran en los botes de reciclaje en Philadelphia, pertenece al bote de basura. Estos vienen sucios con comida u otros residuos, o ni siquiera son productos reciclables. Eso significa que los productos que los residentes tenían la intención de reciclar pueden terminar en los vertederos. Para obtener más información, visita el sitio web de Republic Services en Dale “Like” a Republic en Facebook, y síguenos en Twitter @RepublicService e Instagram @republic_service.
Computer Sale
TeamChildren Summer Computer Sale! Do you need or know some that needs a powerful, low cost, desktop or laptop computer? Our back to school campaign has begun and our goal is to distribute 150 high quality refurbished desktops ranging from ($100- $165) We also have over 100 amazing laptops (I3, I5, and I7 processors) $150- $185. We are always looking for donated computers,financial contributions, and volunteers to help further our mission! We’d love to hear from you! please see the attached application for further details. Call: (610) 666-1795 Robert Toporek President/Founder 960 Rittenhouse Rd Audubon PA 19403.
Adult Education

Be a volunteer tutor! Help adult learners gain the skills and education they need for success. The Office of Adult Education (OAE) has relocated to 1500 JFK Boulevard, Suite 1412. Our new Center City location provides convenient access to innovative volunteer trainings and workshops. This year, OAE redesigned its volunteer training programs and expanded to include Tutor Now: Technology Skills for volunteers to tutor adults in computer skills. For more Tutor Now trainings, please find more information
Lawyer Referral
During regular work hours, the Philadelphia Bar Association offers the program — the Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) — which provides lawyer referrals to area residents. Staff attorneys take calls from the general public and refer callers to attorneys in private practice for a 30-minute consultation, for which the attorney agrees to charge a drastically reduced fee of $35. If callers do not need an attorney or cannot afford one, they will be directed to a legal service organization, agency or other resource for assistance. LRIS is available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., by calling (215) 238-6333.
¿Le molesta si alguien bebe demasiado? Los grupos de familia al-anon puede ayudarle. Reuniones 1116 East Luzerne St. Philadelphia Lunes 9:30 a 10:30 AM. Si necesita más información: Mirta 862-294-8683, por favor manténgalo confidencial.
My students need a lighting kit and a laptop to create a RE-TEACHING station! My students come from all over the world – especially from countries that speak Spanish. My students are curious, artistic, competent and courageous. Our extracurricular activities are full of enthusiastic students eager to spend time in a caring environment away from the harsh realities of a rough neighborhood. Our goal is to create a re-teaching center in our classroom. It would include a camera, lighting kit, and a computer to edit videos. So, when a group of students feels like they’ve mastered a concept, they can re-teach it in a short video and publish that video on our YouTube page. To donate go to ciudad.
Wheel Fun Rentals
Wheel Fun Rentals is renewing a partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters for a program called “Biking & Boating Buddies.” For the eleventh consecutive year, “Biking & Boating Buddies” provides free rentals to underprivileged children and their mentors around the nation. To date, $1,280,000 in free rentals have been distributed to Bigs and Littles at over 20 BBBS chapters around the nation. If you’d like to become a volunteer or support BBBS programs, please visit To find out more about the Biking Buddies program visit
Estamos Contigo
La Cancillería mexicana pone en operación la línea telefónica “Estamos Contigo”. La línea “Estamos Contigo” entró en operación en noviembre y funciona las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana. Tendrá como objetivo central, brindar a los usuarios apoyo emocional e información general sobre actualidad migratoria y reportar incidentes de abuso. A través del número 1 877-632-6678, los connacionales en Estados Unidos podrán recibir información sobre muchos tópicos de apoyo, y adicionalmente, se le brindará a las mujeres apoyo emocional y psicológico que les permita enfrentar crisis basadas en situaciones de abuso físico intrafamiliar, violaciones, depresiones, discriminación o abuso de origen racial.
Veteran Loans
Citizens Business Banking will offer an interest rate reduction on both SBA and conventional loans for qualified veteran businesses. To qualify, the business must be 51 percent owned by a veteran or spouse of a veteran and must provide veteran validation documentation and proof of ownership. “We are proud to offer this promotion to our veterans, and will continue to offer our gratitude to these brave men and women.” According to the most recent U.S. Small Business Administration data, veterans owned 2.5 million businesses or 9.3 percent of U.S. firms
Casa Dominicana
Meet the faces of CASA DOMINICANA! Looking for volunteers to join the cads Dominican Community Outreach Program. Casa Dominica has established itself as an integral part of the Hispanic community in Philadelphia. We are looking for young adults who want to give back to the community. Our future plans include art seminars, music appreciation, folkloric dance classes, sports, financial budgeting seminars, courses on microsoft word and excel and so much more.Volunteers, teachers, instructors, everybody! We cannot do this without you. Help us make our community, a united and safe one for our youths.
Access Services
Access Services is proud to celebrate Intellectual Disabilities Awareness Month, in addition to celebrating the strengths of individuals with disabilities all year long! We invite you to join our enthusiastic and growing team. Full and part time work opportunities are available throughout our agency. In addition, Access Services is always looking for loving families willing to open their hearts and homes to a child or adult with special needs. To learn more about Access Services and the many wonderful opportunities available, please visit
Small Businesses

ABC’s of Starting a Small Business. Do Not Invest Your Money in A Business, Until You Attend this Seminar. Attend the ABC’s of Starting a Small Business to learn the ins and outs of starting a small business, the challenges you’ll face and the resources available to help you get started! For more info: Front Office at LAEDA Latin American Economic Development Association 856-338-1177
Resource parents
Want to change a child’s life? There’s always an urgent need for resource parents in the city and surrounding areas. Resource parents (formerly referred to as «foster parents») are community members who take in children and youth who are unable to reside with their families due to abuse and neglect. Not only does it make a huge impact on these children’s well-being and safety, but it can be a life-changing experience for the parents as well. CONTACT:Wordsworth CUA Region 5, Cassandra Williams, 267)766-2000 x2054 Wordsworth CUA Region 10, Natasha Cunningham, (215)817-5906
St. Luke’s Hospital
“PriceChecker” Program Bundles Services, Is Geared Toward Insured Patients with High Deductibles. With the rise in higher-deductible health plans and coinsurance, Americans are paying an increasingly greater proportion of their health care costs out of pocket. This means that patients need meaningful and transparent price information to better make informed health care decisions. St. Luke’s has launched St. Luke’s PriceChecker – a program that offers patients an option to pay a bundled price in advance of their service for specific common imaging studies and/or procedures as well as specific common ambulatory surgical services. Five of St. Luke’s Hospitals and more than 150 outpatient locations will participate in the bundled pricing, except for the Network’s New Jersey-based hospital and outpatient sites. A full description of the program along with prices and images/procedures can be found on-line
Mural Tour

View over 40 murals on this tour, featuring the collection that was created through the Porch Light Program. Cost: $5 per person and each guest will receive a package of beautiful note cards depicting some of the murals on the tour. Visit the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) after your tour! Each Mural Arts tour guest will receive a $5 off voucher for admission into the museum to be used either the same day or a future date. The tour leaves from PAFA, Hamilton Building, located at 128 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Second Sunday Specialty Trolley Tour.
Immigrant Hub
“Philadelphia Immigrant Innovation Hub”, ia an initiative funded through knight Foundation Cities Challenge Grant. The Hub offers resources and work space to immigrants looking to start or grow their businesses. Qualified candidates will specifically have access to many services. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply at or email or call Herman at 215-557-2626.
DEP Grants
The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) today invites manufacturers, retailers, service providers, agricultural businesses, and other small businesses to apply for a Small Business Advantage Grant to finance pollution prevention and energy efficiency projects. The grants provide funding to projects that include auxiliary power units deployed as anti-idling technology for trucks, HVAC and boiler upgrades, high-efficiency lighting, solvent recovery systems and waste recycling systems. Applicants will be considered on a first come, first served basis. Applications will be accepted until fiscal year 15-16 funds are exhausted or April 15, 2016, whichever occurs first. Applications are available by visiting and clicking on the “Small Business Advantage Grant” button.
Recording Studio

The Gage Recording Studio @ WKM is now in operation with an engineer ready to record you. Bring your ready-made beats, tracks, instruments and have your verses memorized and ready. No negative messages – against women, promoting violence, how much $ you have, drug promotion, etc. For every hour youth volunteer at WKM youth get two hours – one in recording time, and another hour of having music mixed and mastered. Call/text/email if you’re ready: 267-324-7386
Temple ReadyCare

Temple University Health System is continuing to expand its reach into Philadelphia and the surrounding areas by opening its latest Temple ReadyCare urgent care facility in Northeast Philadelphia on April 27. The new, state-of-the-art facility located at 2118 Cottman Avenue (Horrocks St. and Cottman Ave.) is one of four ReadyCare centers staffed by Temple physicians and personnel specially trained to help meet the non-emergency healthcare needs of walk-in patients. It will be open seven days a week, including weekday, evenings and most holidays. For more information, call 215-342-3020, or go to
Stage One Grant

The African-American Chamber of Commerce of PA, NJ and DE (AACC) is currently looking for young professionals and start-up businesses to join our team! The Stage One Grant is offered to young professionals and start-up businesses interested becoming members of the African-American Chambers of Commerce PA, NJ, & DE (AACC). Those approved for the grant will receive one year membership to the AACC, which includes complimentary admission to various events and programs. Also, start-ups must commit to applying for and, if accepted, completing the Entrepreneur Academy, which provides up to $6,500 in start-up capital for your business. For additional information, please visit 1617 JFK Blvd. Suite 889 |Philadelphia, PA, 19103 | (215) 751-9501
Youth United
Youth United For Change seeks youth from across the city who attend traditional public and public charter high schools to participate in the School Food Youth Advisory Board. The Youth Advisory Board will meet bi-monthly with the School Food Division to provide input and work toward goals like providing nutritional information for school meals, and ensure that healthy, high quality food is served. Young people who want to join the Youth Advisory Board should contact: William Shelton, Youth United for Change:, 215-423-9588.
Construction Management
Turner Construction will be offering Building Your Future: Turner’s School of Construction Management Training Program. This program is designed to prepare small, minority, and women-owned contractors for contract procurement opportunities in Philadelphia. The six-week program curriculum will cover such topics as Fundamentals of Estimating, Practices and Procedures of Purchasing, Financial Management and Accounting Principles, Bonding and Insurance, among others. In order to attend, business must have at least 3 years of construction or construction-related experience. Graduates of the program will receive a certificate upon completion. Tel. (215) 496-8950. Dexter Hendricks
NJ Resource Center
La Agencia de Financiamiento de Hipotecas y Viviendas de New Jersey (HMFA) anunció el lanzamiento del servicio de localización de viviendas, New Jersey Housing Resource Center (NJHRC), en Las mejoras incluyen una nueva imagen y optimización de la experiencia del usuario junto a una acabada sección de instructivos y recursos sobre vivienda. Este es un servicio GRATUITO para los usuarios que buscan ya sea viviendas de alquiler y de venta enlistadas, de carácter económico y a precios de mercado en New Jersey.
Urgent Care Clinic
Jefferson Launches Urgent Care Clinic at Smylie Times in Northeast Philly. Located at Rhawn and the Boulevard. Board-certified, emergency medicine physicians are available in a modern, comfortable clinic to care for patients with acute, non-life threatening illnesses and injuries. Jefferson Urgent Care is open seven days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. for when patients can’t wait for an appointment and want to be seen right away. Emergency Medicine physicians will follow-up with patients’ primary care providers to ensure continuity of care after the urgent care visit. Additional services include x-ray, influenza vaccines, laboratory testing, sutures, splinting and sports and employment physicals. For more information visit
Cisco Certifications
Cisco Networking Academy is a global education program that teaches students how to design, build, troubleshoot, and secure computer networks for increased access to career and economic opportunities around the world. Networking Academy provides online courses, interactive tools, and hands-on e-learning activities to help individuals prepare for Information Communication Technology (ICT) and networking careers in virtually every type of industry.

The SAMBULANCE Safety Squad, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting safety education in the special needs community, has signed a partnership with Parents of Autistic Children, or POAC. The partnership entails a joint effort to reach individuals with special needs in South Jersey. The partnership between the SAMBULANCE and POAC includes: complimentary training sessions, recreational evenings to engage the special needs community and a Walk-A-Thon fundraiser to further their joint programming. This Spring, the two non-profits will begin hosting their free training sessions; recreational evenings and October 4th Walk-A-Thon will all take place at Sahara Sam’s Oasis.
Komen @ Amazon

Komen Philadelphia is now a charity of choice! This means, you can support our life-saving mission EVERY time you shop Amazon… at NO additional cost to you! Just take these steps and the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Komen Philadelphia: Go to purchases automatically benefit Susan G. Komen Philadelphia. Shop away! has all the same products, prices and service as the Amazon you’ve been using for years. It’s such a simple way to make a huge impact on our community’s fight against breast cancer!
Matching Donors
Did you know that more than over 270 people die every day in the United States waiting for an organ transplant because there are simply not enough organs available. Currently, patients waiting for an organ donation are placed on a national waiting list through the government, this usually takes 7 to 12 years for a patient to get a transplant. offers a way to enhance the search with a more active approach. Many patients receive their kidney transplant within only six months of registering on More info at or by calling at 1-800-385-0422.
Achieve webinars
No matter where you live, you can easily access 60-75 minute webinars of some of ACHIEVE’s workshops right from your desk. Free Webinar – Conflict Resolution Skills Each month ACHIEVE offers a complimentary webinar. This webinar will teach participants to understand the dynamics of conflict and equip them with the skills needed to respond confidently when faced with situations of conflict. Chantel Runtz, Public Workshop Coordinator. 877.270.9776
Lawyer and notario fraud
Look out for lawyer and notario fraud! In the recent weeks Juntos has received reports of lawyers and notarios charging members of the immigrant community to begin preparing paperwork for upcoming «immigration reform» or «executive action.» Given the President’s recent announcement to halt any executive action until after the holidays we urge community members to be aware of any lawyer and notario fraud. We encourages community to please report any lawyers or notarios charging clients to process paperwork under future immigration reform or executive action. Contact us at 215-218-9079 and please leave a message.
Manejo de Plagas
El programa Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) de Pensilvania es una colaboración entre la Universidad de Penn State y el Departamento de Agricultura del Estado de Pensilvania que tiene como objetivo promover el manejo integrado de plagas tanto en la agricultura como en sitios urbanos. Si usted necesita más información sobre las prácticas MIP, puede contactarnos al teléfono (814) 865-2839. En Filadelfia al teléfono (215) 435-9685,, o nuestro sitio Web: para acceder las paginas del Blog, Twitter y Facebook del programa.
Sheriff Properties
Seminars on How to Buy a Property at a Philadelphia Sheriff’s Sale. For Spanish Speaking Session RSVP to (215) 686 – 3948. 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. for English Speaking Session RSVP to (215) 686 – 3539. Where: Office of the Sheriff, City and County of Philadelphia 100 S. Broad Street, 5th Floor, Land Title Building. Sheriff Jewell Williams wants to educate potential buyers on the bidding process at a Sheriff’s Sale. Future seminars will be held on More info: 215 495 4174.
Works for Me training
FREE Works for Me training. Introduction to Work Incentives and Ticket to Work for Youth with Disabilities. Works for Me in conjunction with The Pennsylvania Training Partnership for People with Disabilities will present FREE training workshops at six locations around the Commonwealth. If you are a person with a disability, a family member of a person with a disability or a self-advocate who receives Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), uses Medical Assistance for your healthcare insurance, and is thinking about returning to or maintaining employment. To Register Online: