“Although I have a passion for writing, I have always had a passion for working with children and now I am able to do both writing and teaching, helping children as much as I can,” said Stephanie Maisonet, alumna of Esperanza Academy Class of 2016. Maisonet shared that she began writing to ease her mind and because she enjoyed it, yet she never dreamed of being a published author until her niece had a loose tooth. Inspired by her niece’s wobbling tooth, Maisonet sat at her computer and says the story just spilled out. Her first story, “Loose Tooth,” is a children’s book about going to the dentist. Maisonet says, “My second book, ‘Glasses are Awesome!’ came to be because a lot of my students wear glasses but felt so insecure and shy to go to school and wear them. I wanted to write a book about how glasses are actually pretty cool and help not only children, but all people see better.”

Combining two passions into tangible books that relieve anxiety and help children become more confident is a noble pursuit. Maisonet gives credit to her teachers for pushing her to hone her writing skill and have faith in herself. Now, she is a teacher herself, passing this confidence and determination to the next generation. You can purchase her books on Amazon and inspire the children in your life to be confident in their glasses and wobbly teeth!