Philadelphia, PA- In today’s dynamic business landscape, external funding plays a crucial role in fostering economic growth and sustainability. Local businesses can benefit from available grants that supplement their day-to-day sales. These grants catalyze economic development and help local entrepreneurs like Jovanny Torres from Noeliza Wireless to thrive.
Navigating the application process for these grants can be complicated. Applicants need to know the submission process for each grant, overcome language barriers, ensure they meet all deadlines, and gather the required documentation.
If anything is missing, it could mean not getting the grant!
It’s not surprising that these business owners rely on direct technical support to increase the odds of them being awarded. Darlenys Melo, Corridor Management Associate in Esperanza’s Housing & Economic Development division, has been supporting 5th street commercial corridor business owners in their pursuit of grant funding.
Darleny’s impactful work and commitment to guiding the business owners to securing grants for commercial corridors demonstrates the potential for positive change within the community. “It is rewarding to see how our business owners from our La Cinco corridor can benefit from the available grants. I help find available grants and share them with business owners who are eligible. If they want to go for a grant, I guide them through the process and help them apply, then we wait. If they get the grant, I ensure they follow the terms and keep records for their final report.” Melo said.
Jovanny Torres from Noeliza Wireless is a Dominican business owner from an entrepreneurial family. His journey started 14 years ago as a bodega (grocery store) owner, and for the last six years, he has been a co-owner of Noeliza Wireless INC. A wholesaler of phone accessories, t-shirts, socks, thermos, and other products, located at 440 W Wyoming Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140. He shared his experience with grants.

How has your journey been as an entrepreneur?
It’s interesting because I started from the bottom. When I came to Philadelphia, I used to cry and wanted to return to the Dominican Republic. I couldn’t sleep because I was working long hours, but I chose to overcome my fears and be willing to start over again. My family is my inspiration, and I believe in my power to create a better future for them, me, and my community, including our clients.

How has Darleny and the program helped you apply for the grants?
Darleny is an efficient person. She always invites my business partner and me to all the meetings, and we make sure someone goes. It is essential to learn everything as an entrepreneur, and applying for grants is one of them. Because of the help we have received from Esperanza, we now receive a grant and a loan. I invite all the business owners from the corridor to take advantage of their support.
If you want to learn more about Esperanza’s commercial corridor program, email Darlenys Melo at dmelo@esperanza.us