On Monday morning, May 16th, Congressman Brendan Boyle (D-PA-2) held a press conference at Esperanza to announce an award of $1,075,000 in federal funding to address access to healthcare and technology resources in North Philadelphia and Northeast Philadelphia. The funding will primarily allow Esperanza to create a space within their facility for a provider who will offer healthcare services to the community.
“This is an exciting day. I’ve been fighting for this for quite some time, well over a year, in order to win these funds from the federal government for Esperanza. It will go toward the construction of a brand-new health clinic, so it will really benefit thousands and thousands of residents nearby Esperanza in North Philadelphia, especially Latino and Latina residents,” Mr. Boyle stated.
Mr. Boyle highlighted Esperanza’s “respected name in the community,” and cited its recent efforts to expand access to the COVID-19 vaccine as the host to a FEMA-II vaccination site. The Congressman also recognized the organization’s founder and CEO, Rev. Luis Cortes, Jr., for his vision to increase access to healthcare by attracting a health services provider to operate a clinic within Esperanza’s campus, and to create new opportunities in the technology sector for the residents of Hunting Park – a primarily black and brown neighborhood. Black and Latino Americans have been disproportionately impacted by COVID and face limited broadband access. According to the media advisory from the Office of Congressman Boyle, “the project is expected to generate approximately $6.3 million in new revenue and an estimated 19 full time-equivalent positions.”
Representative Boyle was joined by Esperanza’s Executive Vice President & Chief of Staff, Rev. Danny Cortes, who accepted the award on behalf of the organization and the community. He thanked the Congressman for the award and underscored the increasing disparities in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Access to medical services is an area of need in ‘El Barrio,’ as Latinos are overrepresented among the population with chronic health diseases. Having access to healthcare right on site is something that will benefit all our neighbors and will be one more expression of Esperanza’s commitment to building the kind of community where all people desire to live,” Rev. Danny Cortes told Impacto.
“This is one the highlights of my career,” Rep. Boyle said. The award is part of $12.2 million in Community Project Funding secured by Rep. Boyle for Pennsylvania’s 2nd Congressional District, which covers eastern North Philadelphia and Northeast Philadelphia. Community Project Funding is a vehicle allowing for the direct allocation of federal dollars to entities within a Congressional district.
Representatives from Esperanza’s Impacto newspaper asked Rep. Boyle about his message for the Latino community on the eve of Tuesday’s primary election for key senate, congressional, and state legislative races. “Get out and vote. It is up to each citizen to decide how best to cast their ballot. Obviously, I’m a Democrat and strongly favor the Democrats, but that said, I want all citizens to exercise their constitutional right. Frankly, we are in a time right now when a number of our constitutional rights are being threatened, including the right to vote. The best way to express your viewpoint in a free society, and the best way to bring about change, is to vote for people who represent your interests and represent your values. Please come out and vote in the primary on Tuesday and vote in the general election in November,” Rep. Boyle told Impacto.
“I’m just very proud to represent the 2nd Congressional district. It’s where I was born and raised and where I live. It’s really a great honor and responsibility,” Mr. Boyle concluded.