Uriel Rendón, gerente general Impacto Media.

During onboarding on my first week in my new role, I met with EVP Rev. Danny Cortes.  We had the opportunity to discuss the missional values of Esperanza and how it can be translated into a community newspaper like Impacto. Esperanza’s missional values of faith, integrity, and excellence are three values that are at the core of building opportunity community. These values guide us towards making the right choices and achieving our goals. In particular, excellence is a value that is often seen as the key to success. However, it is important to note that excellence is not a destination, but a never-ending journey.

Faith is the belief in something greater than oneself, whether that be a higher power or a shared vision for the community. When we have faith in something greater than ourselves, we are able to see beyond our own personal interests and work towards a common goal. This creates a sense of unity and purpose that can help to drive a community forward.

Then there is integrity, also a value that is essential in building an opportunity community. Integrity is the adherence to a set of moral principles and values, such as honesty, respect, and responsibility. When individuals act with integrity, they build trust and respect among their peers, creating a community where everyone feels safe and valued. This creates a sense of accountability and responsibility, where individuals are held to a high standard of behavior and are encouraged to act in the best interests of the community as a whole.

If you work hard and you are humble enough to understand that a higher power guides us, we have a chance to achieve higher levels of faith and integrity. Oh, but then there is excellence.

Excellence is the pursuit of greatness and the constant striving to do better. It is the desire to be the best that we can be, in whatever field you are in. It is the willingness to put in the hard work and dedication necessary to achieve your goals. Excellence, however is not just about achieving success; it is also about learning from failure and using it as a stepping stone towards greater achievements.

In the pursuit of excellence, we learn that there is always room for improvement. No matter how successful we become, there is always something that we can do better. There are always new skills to learn, new challenges to overcome, and new opportunities to explore. The pursuit of excellence requires a commitment to continuous learning and growth. It also means being willing to step outside of our comfort zone and take on new challenges that pushes us to grow and develop. We constantly seek out feedback and guidance from others. This means being open to constructive criticism and using it as an opportunity to improve.

So as I start this journey of community service with our collective commitment to integrity and faith, I realize that excellence is something I will must certainly strive for.  Excellence is often seen as the key to success, but I understand that excellence is not a destination, instead it is a wonderful never ending journey. The pursuit of excellence requires a commitment to continuous learning and growth, a willingness to set high standards for us, and a dedication to seeking feedback and guidance from others. By embracing these values and committing to the pursuit of excellence, we can achieve our goals and create a life that is fulfilling and meaningful…and in turn a chance to build an opportunity community.


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