Jamile Tellez Lieberman
Jamile Tellez Lieberman.

Dr. Jamile Tellez Lieberman, recently recognized by the City of Philadelphia during Hispanic Heritage Month, is a leading figure in the field of public health and equity for the Latino community. Her work at Esperanza, via initiatives such as the Esperanza Institute for Latino Health Equity, has made her a pillar in the fight to improve the quality of life for residents of Hunting Park, Feltonville and Juniata.

The City’s recognition, promoted by the Office of District 7 Councilwoman Quetcy Lozada, was a pleasant surprise for Jamile, as she shared during an interview with Impacto.

This recognition reflects her ongoing work on critical issues such as public and community health, especially in the areas of participatory research and prevention programs for Philadelphia’s Latino residents.


As Senior Vice President of Community Engagement, Research, and Health Equity at Esperanza, she leads projects that address health issues from a comprehensive perspective. Since joining the organization, she has led research and activities focused on decreasing health disparities in the Latino community, focusing on creating healthy environments that prevent disease.

According to Jamile, her mission is to «prevent people from getting sick, make sure they have everything they need to stay healthy,» an approach based on promoting a healthy environment, with access to fresh food, clean water, and safe spaces.

A key aspect of her work has been the creation of programs that address the specific challenges faced by Latinos in North Philadelphia, such as the language barrier and lack of access to preventive health services.

«Many services are not in Spanish and that represents a great barrier,» he explained. He also stressed that the lack of health insurance and the high cost of health care in the United States are critical factors affecting this population.


Tellez Lieberman emphasizes the importance of addressing systemic barriers that hinder Latinos’ access to quality health services. In her opinion, one of the biggest health problems facing this community is the lack of access to preventive services. «I don’t think Latinos in the city can easily access preventive care, and that means that when they get sick, a lot of times doctors don’t catch the disease until it’s too late,» she said.

Violence also represents a serious problem for the community. Jamile noted that while Latinos are not typically the focus of conversations about gun violence, they are greatly affected. «There’s a silence around Latinos’ experience with violence, and that’s a big problem,» she said.


For the Doctor of Public Health graduate from Drexel University, there is a great need for Latinos to come together to face the challenges that affect their community. According to Dr. Tellez Lieberman, one of the biggest obstacles is that different groups within the Latino community do not always work together, which diminishes their ability to demand justice and change. According to the researcher-practitioner, Latinos must use their voice systematically and collectively.

This call also extends to the need to listen to and learn from the community. «I don’t have all the experiences of having lived in the neighborhood… What I really need is for people to tell me their stories, to raise their hands and join me in this fight,» said Jamile, stressing the importance of community voices guiding her work.

Dr. Jamile Tellez Lieberman , in collaboration with other health professionals at Esperanza, such as Dr. Nilsa Graciani, and Dr. Cecilia Cardesa, is committed to continuing to develop initiatives to improve the general health and well-being of Latino communities in North Philadelphia, including not only physical but also mental/emotional health.

The recognition of Jamile Tellez Lieberman not only for her dedication to public health, but also for her commitment to social justice and the well-being of the Latino community. Her leadership at Esperanza and her work in Philadelphia serve as an example of how community research and action have the potential to transform lives and communities.

«Health is a human right,» she said, and her mission is clear: to ensure that all Latinos, regardless of their status or circumstances, have the opportunity to live a healthy and dignified life.

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Adrian R. Morales González
Es periodista, editor, poeta, traductor y corrector de estilo, licenciado en Lengua Inglesa por la Universidad de La Habana y magíster en Periodismo y Comunicación Social por esa casa de altos estudios. En su natal Cuba se desempeñó como reportero de la Agencia Informativa Latinoamericana Prensa Latina y de la revista Somos Jóvenes. En el 2002 se mudó a Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, país del que obtuvo la nacionalidad y donde ha laborado como editor de las revistas Mercado, Refugios y Deleite y de otros medios impresos y digitales. En la actualidad es editor de contenido de la revista Bohío, editor de la sección de turismo del periódico Dominican Today, y corrector editorial del Departamento de Publicaciones del Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña (ISFODOSU). En el año 2000 obtuvo el Premio ESTI a la Prensa por su artículo “El traductor: ¿ente anónimo o creador?”, que otorga la Unión de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC) y el Equipo de Servicios de Traductores e Intérpretes (ESTI). En 1998, Prensa Latina lo reconoció por ser el primer periodista de prensa escrita en divulgar el descubrimiento en Cuba de la familia negra del pintor español Pablo Picasso. Por sus más de 20 años en el periodismo turístico, la Organización Mundial de Periodismo Turístico (OMPT) le otorgó en 2018, en Panamá, el Premio Internacional Pasaporte Abierto “A la Trayectoria”. En 2023 obtuvo el premio Pasaporte Abierto en la categoría “Investigación periodística”. Adrian Rafael Morales González, también fue corresponsal de Alhucema: Revista de Literatura y Teatro, que se edita en Granada, España, en la que ha publicado teatro, poesía, traducciones y artículos. Tiene en proceso de publicación el cuaderno de poesía Vals de los ogros y se encuentra inmerso en la creación de su primera novela.


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