Sen. Luján and State Representative Danilo Burgos, meets with the team at La Salsa Barbershop on N 5th Street, underscoring the significance of entrepreneurship in the city’s Latino and Hispanic communities.

Philadelphia, PA – U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) recently visited small businesses in North Philadelphia alongside Pennsylvania State Representative Danilo Burgos and Philadelphia Councilmember Quetcy Lozada. The visit, which took place on September 4th, was part of ongoing efforts to support the re-election campaign of Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), who has consistently advocated for Pennsylvania’s Latino and Hispanic communities.

State Rep. Burgos and Councilmember Lozada, co-chairs of the Latinos for Casey coalition, guided Sen. Luján through various local businesses, emphasizing the importance of engaging with and uplifting the Latino community in Philadelphia.

The Latinos for Casey coalition, launched in June with over 50 leaders and voters from across the state, aims to ensure that the voices of Pennsylvania’s energetic Latino and Hispanic communities are heard in Washington.

U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) speaks with local business owner at Marz Auto Central in North Philadelphia, emphasizing the importance of small businesses in the community during a visit supporting Sen. Bob Casey’s re-election campaign. (Photo provided)

Sen. Bob Casey has been a consistent ally of these communities, focusing on inclusive economic development, healthcare access, and education. His recent efforts include securing funding for the Hispanic Center of Lehigh Valley’s workforce development program and the Berks Latino Workforce Development Corporation, which supports dual-language adult education programs.

The Latinos for Casey coalition represents a broad spectrum of Latino leadership across Pennsylvania, including representatives from Allegheny, Dauphin, and Monroe counties. Notable members include State Representatives Danilo Burgos, Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz, and Jose Giral, as well as Allentown Mayor Matt Tuerk and Former State Representative Angel Cruz.

Sen. Luján discusses community needs at 5 Street Supermarket, highlighting the role of Latino-owned businesses in the local economy. (Photo provided)

As the campaign progresses, Sen. Casey’s commitment to addressing the priorities of Pennsylvania’s Latino and Hispanic communities remains a key focus, as he works to ensure they are represented at both the state and national levels.


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