
PHILADELPHIA – Managing Director Adam Thiel announced that theSnow Emergency for the City of Philadelphia will be lifted at 10:00 a.m. today, January 20. This means that vehicles can once again park on Snow Emergency routes after 10:00 a.m. today. If your vehicle was relocated during the Snow Emergency, call 215-686-SNOW (7669), and press option 4, to find it. Do not call 911. 

Salting and plowing continues 

The Department of Streets continues its snow operations. Crews are working to make all primary and secondary streets passable. They are competing with icy conditions due to the frigid temperatures. Crews will continue treating the roads throughout the day. They will remain on-duty overnight to monitor roadways and respond to problem locations and emergencies. The City asks for residents’ patience as crews continue to treat roads. 

Reminders for residents 

  • Do not shovel or plow snow into the street. This practice is illegal, unsafe and hinders snow operations. The penalty for violating this can range from $50 to $300 for each violation. 
  • Keep fire hydrants clear. Shovel 36 – 60 inches around your block’s hydrant so firefighters can gain access safely during an emergency response. 
  • Clear a sidewalk path at least 36 inches wide within six hours of the end of the storm. 
  • Clear snow from neighborhood sewer drains to allow melting snow to drain. 
  • Motorists should allow extra time, exercise patience, and maintain safe driving distances. 
  • If you see a chance to help your neighbor, either with shoveling or other tasks, please be kind and do so. 

For additional information, sign up for emergency alerts and weather updates from ReadyPhiladelphia by texting READYPHILA to 888-777, or visiting

For official updates from the City, follow @PhilaOEM on Twitter or Facebook

For Snow Operation updates follow the Department of Streets on FacebookInstagram, or Twitter.


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