What is a QR code and how do I access it?
QR code stands for Quick Response Code, they are special types of barcodes that contain information. They are often found in advertisements, products, event tickets, and products at the supermarket for coupons. You used to have to download an app for QR codes, but now QR codes can be scanned using your camera app on your smartphone/cell phone device.
To use a QR code with the camera app on your cell phone, follow these steps:
–Open your phone and go onto the main screen.
–Open the Camera App: Locate the camera app on your cellphone. It is usually found on the home screen or in the app section. Tap on the camera app to open it.
-Position the QR code: Hold your cellphone steady and position it so that the QR is visible within the camera’s view. Make sure to keep a steady hand and ensure that the QR code is well-lit and clearly visible.
-Let the Camera Focus: Your smartphone’s camera will automatically focus on the QR code. It may take a moment for the camera to adjust and recognize the QR code.
-Wait for the Notification: Once the camera recognizes the QR Code, you will typically see a notification on your screen. It may appear as a small pop-up window or as a message within the camera app itself.
-Interact with the Information: Tap on the notification or message to view the information contained within the QR code. This information can vary, such as a website URL, contact details, or product information. If it’s a website URL, tapping on it will open the website in your cellphone Internet browser. For contact details, you may have the option to save the information directly to your phone’s contacts.
Contact Esperanza’s Digital Skills program at digitalskills@esperanza.us or 215-297-4641 or scan the QR code to learn more digital skills and register for any of our workshops.