(Foto: Ilustrativa/Pexels)

The Internet is a handy and practical platform, used by governments, large corporations and professionals in everyday work and operations. It’s likely that every device in a hospital, supermarket or office is connected to the internet, including telephones and TVs. This highlights the internet’s crucial role in modern life.

But the internet isn’t just for serious work! Just like that, it can be a source of fun.  Incorporating some leisure time into your daily internet use is encouraged. Simply click around and explore – you might be surprised by what you find. This is a fantastic way to learn without feeling like you’re studying.

Studies show that over half of all internet users turn to social media. While these platforms can be positive, allowing you to connect with family and even read the news, it’s not necessarily the best way to get the most out of your device. Social media often involves scrolling through pages and maybe using chat features.

Instead, a great place to start is This search engine can easily lead you to the information you seek. Imagine you want to find an article about Philadelphia; simply go to and search «Philadelphia articles» – you’ll find a wealth of information.

Here’s how to use Google to boost your skills in a fun way: Head to and search for activities like «typing games» or «clicking challenges.» You’ll find dozens of pages with interactive ways to practice your typing and clicking abilities. Not only are these activities fun, but they’re often structured in a progressive mode, meaning you’ll progress and learn step by step, making you a pro by the end.

Learning goes beyond practicing computer skills directly. Other fun websites to visit include, which hosts thousands of user-created quizzes on almost any topic. These quizzes can be challenging, fun and full of knowledge.

Do you know about geography?

Websites like put you in random places on Earth and you must find out where you are on the map using clues. These are just a few examples of entertaining activities you can do online, but there are hundreds more waiting to be found through Google searches.

The key benefit of these websites is the incidental learning that happens. By navigating the internet and searching for these websites, you learn practical skills such as switching tabs and windows, multitasking and understanding your computer environment (what different icons mean and where they are typically placed on a page).

Computers may seem complex, but they’re no harder to learn than other skills. All that’s required is practice, and fortunately for beginners, there are many fun ways to use a computer and learn while you do so.


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